When a pedestrian is hit by a car, the resulting injuries can be life-altering. Unfortunately, pedestrian-automobile accidents claim over 7,000 lives every year. If you are involved in a pedestrian-automobile accident that is not your fault, you may be entitled to compensation for the resulting injuries through a personal injury claim. But how do these accidents happen?
Understanding how pedestrian-automobile accidents happen is crucial to reducing or preventing the number of injuries and preventable deaths. It is also vital for establishing fault per North Carolina pure contributory negligence laws. Here are two common causes of pedestrian-automobile accidents:
1. Failure to yield right of way
All road users have a duty of care to mind the well-being of the public. It is for this reason that traffic rules and signs are in place. For instance, if a traffic signal directs that pedestrians should cross the road at the crosswalk, it is important that motorists stop. This is known as “right of way.”
When either the motorist or pedestrian fails to yield right of way resulting in an accident, a pedestrian-automobile accident is likely to happen.
2. Crossing the road at the wrong spot
Any attempt to cross the road away from the designated crosswalk (also known as jaywalking) puts your life as well as those of other road users at risk. The same is true of pedestrians who attempt to cross the road in front of oncoming traffic or just when the light is changing.
When a pedestrian improperly crosses the road, the motorist may have very limited time to react. Consequently, an accident might happen. And if this happens, the pedestrian may be deemed to have contributed to the accident.
An accident that involves a pedestrian and a motorist can be scary, to say the least. Find out how you can safeguard your rights if you are involved in a pedestrian-automobile accident that is not your fault.